Sunday, August 24, 2008

Marinated mozzarella

This is so easy to make and the results are so delicious that it's worth finding mozzarella fresca for it. Every time I make this, I'm lucky if there is enough for bruschetta left after the nibblers are done.

For your eating pleasure:

Marinated Mozzarella
15 min. prep

· 1/2 lb mozzarella, cut in tiny cubes
· 3 tablespoons olive oil
· 3 sun-dried tomatoes, slivered
· 1 teaspoon thyme
· 1 teaspoon oregano
· 1 teaspoon basil
· 1 teaspoon garlic, minced
· 1/4 teaspoon chili pepper flakes
Combine and toss. The longer this is allowed to set, the better the flavor is.

The original recipe is from Recipezaar, contributing member is swiz58.


Anonymous said...

Oh, this looks like a great recipe. My persnickety eater son does love baby mozzarellas so this is one I am going to try. Jazz it up a bit!

dragonmom said...

I love this stuff! Mess about with the recipe and it just gets better. If the dish is to be used for bruschetta or something make sure you double the recipe because it tends to vanish mysteriously. I kid you not!